


Volkswagen Group Reference Catia Lite

User Manual




Document version:


VW Group IT K-FIMB/3




Document history:

Revision for VWGRCLite 5.3.x
Translated into English
Check and release
Revision for VWGRCLite
Check and release
Revision for VWGRCLite 6.2.0.x
Update: Accountable
Revision for VWGRCLite 7.x
Revision for VWGRCLite 9.x

Table of content

Table of Figures

1    Preamble

VWGRCLite stands for Group Reference Catia Lite. The VWGRCLite is a system designed by VOLKSWAGEN   AG   to   ensure   flexible   operating   of   the   CAD   system   CATIA and directly related applications within the VOLKSWAGEN Group

This document describes the graphical interface of the VWGRCLite. It provides appropriate controls for simple configuration tasks and especially for the implementation   of frequent operations.

Because of capacity reasons and frequently changing constraints, the VWGRCLite   remains in a   continuous   development   which   cannot   be   described   contemporary.   Deviations   of   this documentation from the actual state are therefore inevitable.

The figures in this document are provided as examples. The appearance of your installation in the VWGRCLite user interface (VWGRCLite-GUI) may differ.

2 Call

Important   Note: Starting   the   VWGRCLite-GUI   or   the   environments   can   be   configured differently from   the   supplied   VWGRCLite   Default   by your   administrator.   In   the following the VWGRCLite   Default   is   described   exclusively.   If   your   implementation   differs from the VWGRCLite default, please ask your administrator how to start the   VWGRCLite-GUI or the VWGRCLite environments.

2.1    Starting via the“desktop icon”or“start menu icon”

On all windows platforms it is possible to create an icon for starting the VWGRCLite   on the desktop or the in the start menu during the installation of the VWGRCLite.

Figure 2-1 VWGRCLite desktop icon

2.2    Starting from the command prompt

It   is also   possible to start the VWGRCLite through the command   line of a windows “command prompt”. Therefore change to the directory

%VWGRCLITE_K_PATH%\catia\bin (e.g. C:\vwg\catia\bin) and call xgrx.bat (refer to the figure below).

Figure 2-2 Command line call of xgrx.bat (example)

3 Layout and controls

3.1    Structure of the graphical interface

The VWGRCLite window is divided into three areas:

   the menu bar (1)

It provides functions to quit the VWGRCLite, the online help and tools for special tasks.

   the configuration area (2)

It is used to select the configuration. The configuration is made up of the Level selection (OEM,   Brand,   Department,   etc.),   the   Dassault   Environments   (V5-6   Release, Service Pack, Hotfix), the VWGRCLite tree and the Additionals.

   the usage area (3)

This service is used to start the application CATIA.

Figure 3-1 Allocation of use areas in the VWGRCLite GUI

3.2    Using the menus

The call of the functions provided in the menu is performed by simple selection of the   main menu text with the left mouse button. Inside the menu the appropriate function   is selected.

Figure 3-2 Example for choosing VWGRCLite menus

3.3    Using the configuration switches

The selection   of the optional   configuration   settings   is   based   on   a   list of   provided value, therefore the fields are not editable. Whether and how much alternatives are provided in a list, depends on the respective installation and integration of the working environment.

To open the list, select the switch     on right side of the field. The new value can then be selected from the provided alternatives.

Figure 3-3 Example for choosing VWGRCLite configuration switches

4 Configuring the working environment

In terms   of   the   VWGRCLite   a   working   environment   includes   both   the   versions   of the application software   and   settings   of   runtime   parameters   defined   centrally   or   by the user. The latter   is   organized   in   the   Levels   OEM”,   Brand”,   Brand   Department”,   Supplier Department”,   license   and   the   Additionals   and   include   for   example VOLKSWAGEN applications, setting, control data for fonts and construction standards as well as structure parts and standard catalogues.

Using the   VWGRCLite   it   is   possible   to   set   up   the   working   environment   by   selecting available software versions and combinations of alternatives on the different levels.

Important Note: The Levels “Supplier Department” and “license” can be configured and used optionally by the development partner. The usage happens on your own risk. Please consult your administrator on this.

4.1    Settings on the CATIA base

A CATIA base persists of a basic installation V5-6 R2018 with possibly other CATIA   products (e.g.   PX1,   VX1),   the   service   pack   and   the   hot fix.   This   base   needs   to   meet the   current requirements of   VOLKSWAGEN.   A VWGRCLite   installation   can   contain or   address one or more   CATIA installations. The   CATIA   base   installation   is   being   extended   by the   selected configurations on the tabs “Level” and “Additionals”.

The selection is takes place in the tab “Dassault” using the switch “Environment”. Following is a picture from a selection:

Figure 4-1 Choice of a CATIA base environment (example)

4.2    Setting up the Level

To   be   able to   select the   OEM”,   Brand”,   Brand   Department”,   Supplier   Department or “license” you will need to activate the tab Level”:

Figure 4-2 VWGRCLite GUI register „Level“

4.2.1    Selecting the Level environment

Depending of the installation by your administrator, you will run across a selection in   the different Levels OEM”, Brand”, Brand Department”, Supplier Department and   license”. The selection   is   made   using the respective   switch    . The   required   configuration is being applied automatically, a restart of the VWGRCLite is not necessary.

Note:   The   Levels   Supplier   Department   and   license   can   be   configured   and    used optionally by the development partner. Please consult your VWGRCLite administrator on this.

4.2.2    Minimum selection for Brand”

A   VWGRCLite installation has to contain   at least   one Brand (VW, Audi, SEAT, Skoda…). The VWGRCLite environment cannot be started, if no Brand has been   installed or is selectable. The error message No Brand installed will appear. In this   case, refer to   your VWGRCLite administrator.

Figure 4-3 Error picture, if no brand package is installed or selected

4.3    Setting up“Additionals”

Under   the   tab   Additionals   additional   VOLKSWAGEN   applications   are   provided   (e.g. VWGBoM2KSL,   VWGCADGlyph,   VWGDoLittle,   VWGVWMetho).   The   additional   applications available to you will be displayed by activating the tab Additionals”. Next to   the application name, the version is stated. In this example, the versions have   been   replaced with x.x.x.x for simplification.

Figure 4-4 Representation of various additional applications (example)

The icon   in front of the Additional signalizes, whether the Additional is activated         or

deactivated  . Switching the state is performed by selecting anAdditional.

Figure 4-5 Example of an activated application (here VWGBoM2KSL)

4.4    Selection of a VWGRCLite tree (so called“grclitetree”)

According   to   requirements   the   VWGRCLite   comes   in   different   configurations   which   for example differ in the available selections under the tab Level”.   If your administrator   has configured multiple VWGRCLite trees, they will   be   displayed   under the tag   VWGRCLite”. Generally if only the default VWGRCLite tree has been installed, only the tree vwgrclite will be displayed. Following is a figure showing multiple VWGRCLite trees:

Figure 4-6 Representation of various grclitetrees (example)

When selecting another VWGRCLite tree, the VWGRCLite will be automatically restarted.

Prior to the termination a message will be displayed, which you will have to confirm. On selecting No”, the action will be canceled and the old VWGRCLite tree remains   active. On selecting Yes the VWGRCLite will be terminated and restarted with the selected VWGRCLite tree automatically.

Figure 4-7 Message, if grclitetree is changed

5 Menu“File

Using File/Exit quits the VWGRCLite user interface.

Figure 5-1 VWGRCLite GUI menu File

6 Menu Tools

6.1    CATUTIL Batch Monitor

Figure 6-1 VWGRCLite GUI menu Tools / CATUTIL Batch Monitor

The menu option CATUTIL batch monitor” starts the correspondent CATIA program. The   pre- configured environment of the VWGRCLite GUI is used in this process.

Should there exists no license configuration for the selected VWGRCLite environment CATIA is first started, so that this can be done.

Reason:   Some   CATUtils   needs a   preconfigured   Licensing.CATSettings   in   batch mode.

If a   Licensing.CATSettings exists for the selected VWGRCLite environment the   CATUTIL batch monitor is started.

Figure 6-2 CATUTIL Batch Monitor representation

Details can be found in the CATIA online help topic: "Running Batches Using the Batch Monitor ".

6.2    Delete CATIAUser Settings

Figure 6-3 VWGRCLite GUI menu Tools / Delete CATIA User Settings

The tool Delete CATIA User Settings deletes the content of the CATUserSettingPath   for the current Level selected in the VWGRCLite GUI. A further check or a backup will   not be performed. A message will appear (refer to step 4 in the figure below). If this   message is answered with “Yes the user settings will be deleted.

Figure 6-4 Sequence example for „Delete CATIA User Settings“

If there are no User Settings present for the selected Level when calling Delete CATIA User Settings” the following message will appear:

Figure 6-5 Error message: CATIA User Settings do not exist or are not accessible.

Background information on the VWGRCLite CATIA User Settings:                                          The CATUserSettingPath is a CATIA variable to store in which directory the settings   of the user will be stored.

For each configuration of VWGRCLite Levels, another CATUserSettingsPath directory   will be     created. Only the Levels OEM, Brand and Brand Department will be considered. The directory name consists according to the following schema:


By default the directories are located in the %USERPROFILE%\.vwgrclite\R30 folder. In case of doubt, refer to your VWGRCLite administrator to come to know where your CATIAUser Settings are located.


1) Level selection:



   Brand Department=def



2)   Level selection:



   Brand Department=vw_electric



6.3    CATIAShell

Figure 6-6 VWGRCLite GUI menu Tools / CATIA Shell

You can use a CATIA Shell if a command shell with configured VWGRCLite   environment   is required instead   of   an   interactive   CATIA   session.   In   this   case   your   selection   in   the VWGRCLite user interface will be reflected.

7 MenuDocumentation

7.1    Documentation

According   to   your   selection   in   the   usage   area   of   the   VWGRCLite   user   interface, further information will be   provided   in the   menu   Documentation”. The   document   selected by a mouse click will be displayed by the included viewer.

Figure 7-1 VWGRCLite GUI menu Documentation with an example of document selection

7.2    Videos

A submenu   videos   exists   only,   if   your   VWGRCLite   administrator   has   integrated   the separately available   CAA videos   into the VWGRCLite. The videos   are   an   optional   offer of help of Volkswagen and can be used if necessary.

The Video documentation does not replace any valid norm or agreement with   Volkswagen.

The video document supplements the written documentation and shows a possible procedure.

The application versions in these videos can differ from the VWGRCLite release.

Attention:   Forwarding   of   video   documents   to   a   third   party   without   explicit   written permission from the Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft is not permitted.

Figure 7-2 Representation of menu „Videos“ (example)

The videos are shown in the provided video player.

Figure 7-3 Selection of the Validat video and representation of the interactive language control

8 Menu Help

8.1    Support Mail

8.1.1    Support Mail with an installation of Microsoft Outlook

Requirement:   Microsoft   Outlook   is   installed   and   configured   as   the   default   mailing application.

If you want to   report a   problem   regarding the VWGRCLite to the T-Systems   CAx-Service (support interface regarding the VWGRCLite), please use the function   Support Mail in the menu Help”.   Using this function   will   collect   all   relevant   information   about your system environment.       Following       this       an       Outlook       mail       with       the        recipient cax-consulting@t-systems.comand the collected information will be displayed.

In case of   problems   regarding VWGRCLite applications   (e.g. Validat,   NTool, etc.) you should extend this mail   by a   reproducible   problem   scenario   description   (e.g. steps   taken   until the   problem occurs,   output   of diagnosis functions of the application, screenshots, etc.).

Caution:   It   is   recommended   to   let   your   administrator   or   your   CAD support   check   those problems first, before reporting them to the T-Systems CAx-Service!

Generate the VWGRCLite Support Mail:

Figure 8-1 VWGRCLite GUI menu Help / Support Mail

At first the following window appears:

Figure 8-2 Support Mail wait message

Consecutively a mail with the required information will open.

Figure 8-3 Support Mail: Outlook e-mail result

8.1.2    Support Mail without an installation of Microsoft Outlook

The   automatic support   mail   can   only   be   created   if   Microsoft   Outlook   is   installed   and configured as   the   default   mailing   application.   If   this   is   not   the   case,   you   can   also

manually save the files for the support mail into a folder.


Figure 8-4 VWGRCLite GUI menu Help / Support Mail

At first the following window appears:

Figure 8-5 Support Mail wait message

If MS Outlook is not installed on your computer or it cannot be found, you can alternatively save the necessary VWGRCLite log and system files in a folder and attach   them to your e- mail afterwards.

Figure 8-6 Directory query and afterwards the directory result of the Support Mail

In case of problems regarding VWGRCLite applications (e.g. Validat,   NTool, etc.) you should extend this mail by a reproducible problem scenario description (e.g. steps   taken until the problem occurs, output of diagnosis functions of the application, screenshots, etc.).

Caution:   It   is   recommended   to   let   your   administrator   or your CAD support   check   those problems first, before reporting them to the T-Systems CAx-Service!

8.1.3    Important VWGRCLite log and system files

The following overview is about important log and system files which will possibly be created when installing, configuring or using the VWGRCLite.

   in %VWGRCLITE_K_PATH%\catia\catadm

   all inst_grx.log.<nn> and all vwgrclite<nn>_packagesOverview.log

   in %VWGRCLITE_K_DATA%\catv5\var\local


   in %USERPROFILE%\.vwgrclite

    vwgrclite<nn>_packagesOverview.log, all Startlog.* and all vwgrclite.*

   in %VWGRCLITE_K_DATA%\catv5\var\<USER>\errorlog

   CATError.log and the most recent SessionInfoFile_<USER>_*.txt

The   variables   %VWGRCLITE_K_PATH%   and   %USERPROFILE%   can   be   requested   through   a command shell (cmd.exe):

Figure 8-7 Command line examples to give out the value of variable

8.2    Packages Overview

This function provides a quick overview of the installed package versions in the currently active VWGRCLite tree (in figure 28: vwgrclite und vwgrclite01).

In the figure below the version readings are masked with x.x.x.x for generalization:

Figure 8-8 VWGRCLite GUI menu Help / Package Overview with an example

If you are using the function Save”, the file vwgrclite<nn>_packagesOverview.log will be

created in “%USERPROFILE%\.vwgrclite

8.3    Info

Info will display information about the VWGRCLite (e.g. version, build, kernel), the VWGRCLite license and some information about the system.

Figure 8-9 VWGRCLite GUI menu Help / Info with an output example
